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NOTE: This page is currently a work in progress, check back in soon for more details and updates!

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Nordic Cycles

When will Nordic Cycles be available for purchase?

  • Coming soon

What is Nordic Cycles?

  • Nordic Cycles is a sauna cold plunge hybrid, combining the traditional heat therapy of a sauna with the invigorating effects of a cold plunge, all within one chamber. It offers users the opportunity to experience temperature contrast therapies in one integrated space for enhanced relaxation, recovery, rejuvenation, and wellness benefits.

How does the contrast therapy work in Nordic Cycles?

  • Contrast therapy involves alternating between exposure to hot and cold temperatures in order to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. In Nordic Cycles, users move between the sauna's heat and the cold plunge's cold temperatures, which offers many positive body and mind wellness benefits.

How does the cold plunge stay cold if it's in a hot sauna?

  • There are a few important factors that allow the cold plunge to stay cold while the sauna is hot:
  1. Location: the top of the cold plunge is about level with the floor of the sauna - which is the coolest place within the sauna (hot air rises, cold air sinks)
  2. Chiller: the chiller is powerful enough to keep the water within the plunge cold, even in hot environments
  3. Insulation Spheres: the cold plunge may be optionally filled with floating temperature resistant insulation spheres - providing a dynamic layer between the cold water and the hot ambient air (COMING SOON)
  4. Cover: the cold plunge has an insulated cover that can be easily raised or lowered for increased insulation while not being actively used

Isn't sweating in a sauna and then getting into a cold plunge unhygienic?

  • While the idea of sweating in a sauna and then entering a cold plunge may seem unhygienic at first, it's important to understand that both sauna and cold plunge therapy have been practiced for centuries and are known for their numerous health benefits.

    The heat of the sauna promotes sweating, which helps to cleanse the skin by flushing out toxins and impurities. When you transition to the cold plunge, the sudden change in temperature causes your pores to tighten, effectively sealing in the newly cleansed skin. Additionally, the cold water constricts blood vessels, reducing inflammation and promoting circulation. Sweating stops very quickly once you enter the cold plunge.

    Moreover, the cold plunge is equipped with advanced filtration and sanitation systems to ensure water quality and cleanliness. Routine maintenance and proper hygiene practices, such as showering before and after use, further enhance the overall cleanliness of the experience.

    Ultimately, Nordic Cycles therapy, when practiced responsibly and in accordance with recommended guidelines, can provide a safe and hygienic wellness experience, offering relaxation, recovery, rejuvenation, and numerous health benefits.

I already have a cold plunge, can I just purchase the Nordic Cycles sauna unit and set it up with my cold plunge?

  • This option will be available, although your cold plunge's size and chiller power must meet certain requirements - more information coming soon.

What can I expect after purchase?

  • Answer coming soon

What is included with my purchase?

Every purchase includes:

  • Sauna Construction Materials
  • 2x 52 in. RGB LED Light Strips
  • 2x Mechanical Fans
  • Harvia TopClass 8kw Heater
  • 45 lbs. Harvia Sauna Heater Stones
  • Heater Safety Fence
  • High Bench Safety Fence
  • All Back Supports
  • Cold Plunge + Chiller
  • Cold Plunge Insulation Soft Cover
  • Cold Water Insulation Spheres (COMING SOON)

Where can I see information around Nordic Cycles dimensions?

Where can I see max/min temperature information?

What are the health benefits of using Nordic Cycles?

  • Using Nordic Cycles offers a range of benefits, including improved circulation, muscle recovery, stress relief, detoxification, enhanced immune function, and overall relaxation. Alternating between hot and cold temperatures can also promote vitality and well-being.
  • See our HEALTH BENEFITS post for more information.


Is Nordic Cycles suitable for outdoor use?

  • Yes, Nordic Cycles can be used outdoors, but proper installation and maintenance are essential to ensure durability and longevity. Consider factors such as weather resistance, insulation, and drainage when installing an outdoor Nordic Cycles.
  • NOTE: It is currently recommended to install the Nordic Cycles under proper coverage when outdoors, although an exterior roof option will be coming soon.

How do I use Nordic Cycles effectively?

  • Precool the cold plunge and preheat the sauna to your desired temperature, then enter the sauna and sit or recline comfortably. Relax and enjoy the heat, then cool down by stepping into the cold plunge for a refreshing dip. Repeat the process as desired, always listening to your body's cues.

What temperature settings are recommended for the sauna and the cold plunge?

  • Recommended sauna temperatures typically range from 140°F to 200+°F , but you should adjust according to your comfort level and experience. The cold plunge should be kept between 39°F to 60°F for optimal cooling and contrast therapy. If you included the heat option with your chiller unit, your plunge will be capable of reaching temperatures up to 103°F

How long should I spend in the sauna versus the cold plunge for optimal benefits?

  • Session duration may change based on the temperature of the sauna and the cold plunge, and the experience of the user. Start with shorter sessions of around 10-15 minutes in the sauna, gradually increasing the duration as you acclimate to the heat. Follow with a quick dip in the cold plunge for 1-3 minutes, then repeat the cycle.

How often should I use Nordic Cycles to experience noticeable benefits?

  • You will notice benefits after your first use. For longer term benefits, use the Nordic Cycles as often as you are comfortable with, while making sure to stay hydrated throughout sessions.

What should I wear in Nordic Cycles?

  • We recommend just a towel, or lightweight, breathable clothing in the sauna. In the cold plunge, swimwear or a bathing suit may be used. Avoid wearing heavy or restrictive clothing that may hinder your ability to sweat or cool down effectively.

Can I bring personal belongings into Nordic Cycles?

  • While it's generally safe to bring towels, water bottles, and personal hygiene items into the sauna and cold plunge area, avoid bringing electronic devices or valuables that could be damaged by moisture or heat.

Can I customize the temperature settings or other features of the sauna and cold plunge?

  • Yes, you have control over the sauna temperature, heating duration, delayed turn on up to 8 hours, cold plunge temperature, fan settings, ventilation architecture, and lighting brightness/color.

Are there any specific precautions or considerations to keep in mind when using Nordic Cycles?

  • Always follow our guidelines for safe usage, including temperature settings and session durations. Stay hydrated before, during, and after using the Nordic Cycles, and listen to your body's signals to avoid overheating or overexertion. If you have any health concerns or experience discomfort, exit the sauna or cold plunge immediately.

Are there any health conditions or contraindications to using Nordic Cycles?

  • Individuals with certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, respiratory conditions, or pregnancy, should consult a healthcare professional before using the sauna and cold plunge. Those with open wounds, infections, or skin conditions may also need to avoid certain aspects of sauna or cold plunge use.

Is it safe to use the sauna and cold plunge if I'm pregnant or have specific health concerns?

  • Pregnant individuals and those with certain health conditions should consult with their healthcare provider before using the sauna and cold plunge. It's essential to consider individual health factors and follow professional medical advice.

Can children or elderly individuals safely use the Nordic Cycles?

  • Children and elderly individuals can use the sauna and cold plunge, but they should do so under adult supervision and with caution. Adjust temperature settings and session durations according to their tolerance levels, and always prioritize safety and comfort.


How often should I clean the sauna and cold plunge?

  • It depends on how often they are used. Generally, we recommend cleaning the sauna and cold plunge at least once every 1-2 weeks when actively being used to maintain hygiene.

What cleaning products are safe to use on sauna and cold plunge surfaces?

  • Use mild, non-abrasive cleaners suitable for sauna and plunge surfaces. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the materials.

How do I maintain proper water balance in the cold plunge?

  • Regularly test the water pH and sanitizer levels using test strips or a testing kit. Adjust the pH and sanitizer levels as needed according to manufacturer guidelines to ensure balanced water chemistry.

What steps should I take to prevent mold and mildew in the sauna and cold plunge area?

  • Ensure proper ventilation in the sauna to reduce humidity levels after use. Regularly clean and dry sauna and cold plunge surfaces to prevent moisture buildup after each use. Consider leaving the sauna heater and fans on in the sauna area for a few minutes after use.

How frequently should I check and replace sauna heater elements/stones or cold plunge filtration systems?

  • Inspect sauna heater elements/stones and cold plunge filtration systems periodically for signs of wear or damage. Replace them as needed according to manufacturer recommendations.

What measures can I take to ensure proper ventilation in Nordic Cycles?

  • See our VENTILATION TIPS (Coming soon)

Are there any specific maintenance tasks required for sauna benches, decking, or cold plunge area?

How do I winterize the cold plunge to prevent freezing during colder months?

  • Drain the cold plunge before freezing temperatures arrive if you don't have the heater option. Consider using the plunge insulation cover while not in use. If you're located in a colder climate, you should purchase the additional cold plunge heater to prevent the water from reaching freezing temperatures.

What should I do if I notice any leaks or damage in the sauna or cold plunge?

  • Promptly address any leaks or damage by contacting our support team or a qualified repair technician. Ignoring leaks or damage can lead to more extensive issues and costly repairs down the line.

Is there a recommended schedule for draining and refilling the cold plunge water?

  • It's generally advisable to drain and refill the cold plunge water every few months to maintain water quality and freshness. However, adjust the frequency based on usage and water condition.

How do I troubleshoot common issues with sauna temperature regulation or cold plunge water quality?

  • Refer to the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to your sauna heater or cold plunge filtration system. If issues persist, contact our support team or a professional technician for assistance.

Are there any special considerations for maintaining the sauna and cold plunge if they're used frequently by multiple users?

  • Increase the frequency of cleaning and maintenance tasks in high-traffic areas. Encourage users to follow proper hygiene practices and provide guidelines for maintaining cleanliness.

What steps should I take to ensure safety in the sauna and cold plunge area during maintenance tasks?

  • Always turn off the sauna heater before performing maintenance tasks, and ensure the heater is cool. Use caution when working with electrical or water systems, and follow safety guidelines provided by our user manual.

Can I perform routine maintenance tasks myself, or should I hire a professional?

  • Many routine maintenance tasks, such as cleaning and water testing, can be performed by anyone. However, for complex repairs or installations, it's advisable to seek professional assistance to ensure safety and proper functioning.

Where can I find additional resources or support for maintaining Nordic Cycles?

  • Check our website for maintenance guides, troubleshooting tips, and customer support contact information. You can also reach out to us via our Contact page for assistance and guidance with sauna and cold plunge maintenance.


Can I install Nordic Cycles indoors and outdoors?

  • Yes, Nordic Cycles can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Indoor installations may require considerations for ventilation and moisture control, and easy access to water and drainage, while outdoor installations may need additional weatherproofing. At this time, outdoor installations should be in an area where the Nordic Cycles is covered and protected from the elements (Roof option coming soon).
  • See our SETUP TIPS

What are the space requirements for installation?

  • Generally, you'll need enough space to accommodate both the sauna and cold plunge comfortably, along with adequate clearance around each unit for ventilation and maintenance access.
  • See our DIMENSIONS page.

Do I need any special electrical or plumbing connections?

  • Yes, Nordic Cycles require electrical connections for the sauna heater, lighting, and any additional features such as mechanical fans. No plumbing connections for the cold plunge are needed, but the Nordic Cycles will need to be installed in a location with an accessible drainage area.
  • See our SETUP TIPS

Can I install Nordic Cycles myself, or do I need professional installation?

  • While many DIY enthusiasts will be capable of installing the Nordic Cycles themselves, professional installation will be available to ensure proper assembly. This helps prevent potential safety hazards and ensures optimal performance. At a minimum, you will need a certified electrician to run power to the sauna heater.
  • See our SETUP TIPS

How long does it take to install Nordic Cycles?

  • The installation time for the Nordic Cycles can vary depending on factors such as site preparation requirements, and the availability of skilled labor. On average, installation may take 2 people several hours to a day to complete.

What site preparation is required before installing Nordic Cycles?

  • Site preparation may include ensuring level ground, proper ventilation, available drainage, and providing access to electrical connections. For outdoor installations, consider factors such as weatherproofing, landscaping, and permitting requirements.
  • See our SETUP TIPS

Are there any structural or weight-bearing considerations for installing Nordic Cycles?

  • Yes, Nordic Cycles can be heavy, especially when the cold plunge is filled with water. Ensure that the installation site can support the weight of the sauna, cold plunge, and any additional features without risk of structural damage or instability.

Do I need to apply any special treatments or finishes to Nordic Cycles during installation?

  • Depending on the installation environment, you may want to apply treatments or finishes to protect the exterior of the sauna from moisture, UV exposure, and other environmental factors. Follow manufacturer guidelines for proper treatment and maintenance.
  • See our SETUP TIPS

Can I customize the design or layout of Nordic Cycles during installation?

  • Not at this time, although in the future we may offer customization options for design, layout, materials, and features to suit your preferences and space requirements.

Where can I find additional resources or support for installing Nordic Cycles?

  • Check our website for installation guides (Coming Soon), instructional videos (Coming Soon), and customer support contact information. You can also reach out to us via our Contact page for assistance and guidance with installing your Nordic Cycles.
  • See our SETUP TIPS


Do you offer shipping?

  • Yes, we offer shipping for Nordic Cycles to most locations within the continental United States. Additional shipping charges may apply for certain remote or international destinations.

How long does it take to ship Nordic Cycles after placing an order?

  • The shipping time for Nordic Cycles can vary depending on factors such as product availability, destination, and shipping method. At this time, please allow 4-12 weeks for delivery from the time of order placement.

What shipping methods are available?

  • We typically ship Nordic Cycles via freight carriers or specialized delivery services. This ensures safe handling and transportation of the large and heavy components.
  • More information coming soon

Is tracking information provided for shipments?

  • Yes, tracking information will be provided once your Nordic Cycles has been shipped. You will receive an email notification with tracking details, allowing you to monitor the progress of your delivery.

Are there any shipping restrictions or limitations?

  • While we strive to accommodate all orders, certain remote or international locations may be subject to shipping restrictions or additional charges. Please contact us for further assistance if you have concerns about shipping to your area.

Do I need to be present to receive the delivery?

  • Yes, someone must be present to accept and sign for the delivery of your Nordic Cycles. This ensures that the shipment is received in good condition and can be properly inspected upon arrival.

What should I do if my Nordic Cycles arrives damaged or with missing parts?

  • In the rare event that your Nordic Cycles arrives damaged or with missing parts, please contact us immediately. We will work quickly to resolve the issue and arrange for replacement parts or a replacement unit if necessary.

Can I request expedited shipping?

  • Expedited shipping options may be available for an additional fee. Please contact us to inquire about expedited shipping and discuss your specific needs.

Do you offer installation services upon delivery?

  • While we do not offer installation services directly, we can provide recommendations for qualified installation professionals in your area. Proper installation is essential to ensure the safe and efficient setup of your Nordic Cycles.

Where can I find additional resources or support for shipping and delivery-related questions?

  • For further assistance with shipping and delivery-related questions, please reach out to our customer support team via our Contact page. We're here to help ensure a smooth and hassle-free shipping experience for your Nordic Cycles.