Recommended Protocols

Welcome to the world of temperature contrast therapy, where relaxation and recovery meets rejuvenation! Whether you're just starting your wellness journey or you're a seasoned pro, understanding recommended protocols can enhance your experience and maximize the benefits of your Nordic Cycles sessions. In this post, we'll cover essential protocols for beginners, advanced users, safety tips, and more.

Before stepping into your Nordic Cycles, it's highly recommended to start with a quick shower. Why? Showering helps remove sweat, oils, and impurities from your skin, ensuring a more hygienic and effective Nordic Cycles experience. Not only does it promote cleanliness, but it also opens up your pores, allowing for a better heat and cold transfer during your session. Make showering a pre-session ritual for a more refreshing and rejuvenating contrast therapy experience.

Protocols for Beginners:

  1. Raise the Sauna Heater:
    Before using Nordic Cycles, consider placing the sauna heater in the high position on the wall. Typically the area in the sauna below the heating element will be cooler compared to above the element. 

  2. Use the Low Bench:
    The low bench of the sauna offers milder temperatures compared to the high bench, and is a great place to gradually transition before entering the cold plunge.

  3. Start Slow:
    If you're new to temperature contrast therapy, start with shorter sessions at lower sauna temperatures and higher cold plunge temperatures to allow your body to acclimate gradually.

  4. Experiment:
    Everyone's body reacts differently to heat, cold, and switching between the two. Take the time to experiment with different temperatures and durations to find what works best for you.

  5. Stay Hydrated:
    Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your Nordic Cycles sessions to stay hydrated and replenish fluids lost through sweating.

  6. Listen to Your Body:
    Pay attention to how your body feels during each session. If you start to feel lightheaded, dizzy, or uncomfortable, exit the Nordic Cycles immediately and find a place to sit.

Protocols for Advanced Users:

  1. Lower the Sauna Heater: 
    Consider placing the sauna heater in the lowest position on the wall. Typically the area in the sauna below the heating element will be cooler compared to above the element. In this position, the heating element will only be a few inches above floor level, allowing for a larger and more intense "hot" zone.

  2. Use the High Bench:
    The high bench offers the most intense sauna experience, the higher you go, the higher the temperature will be.

  3. Increase Duration:
    As you become more accustomed to Nordic Cycles therapy, gradually increase the duration of your sessions to reap maximum benefits.

  4. Experiment with Contrast Therapy:
    Experiment with contrast therapy by alternating between periods of heat and cold. Raise the sauna temperature, and lower the cold plunge temperature.

  5. Quick Transitions:
    More advanced users may consider transitioning directly from the high bench into the cold plunge and from the cold plunge directly to the high bench, without taking a transition break on the low bench.

  6. Focus on Recovery:
    Use Nordic Cycles sessions as part of your recovery routine after intense workouts or physical activity.

  7. Incorporate Breathing Techniques:
    Practice deep breathing exercises or meditation techniques during Nordic Cycles sessions.

Safety Tips:

  1. Speak with Your Healthcare Provider:
    If you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before starting temperature contrast therapy to ensure it's safe for you.

  2. Stay Within Your Comfort Zone:
    Don't push yourself beyond your limits. If a particular temperature or duration feels uncomfortable, scale back or exit the sauna or cold plunge.

  3. Monitor Your Heart Rate:
    Keep track of your heart rate during Nordic Cycles sessions, especially if you have cardiovascular issues. If your heart rate exceeds your normal range, exit the Nordic Cycles and cool down.

  4. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:
    Hydration is key to a safe and effective Nordic Cycles experience. Drink water regularly throughout your session to prevent dehydration.

Best Times to Use and Frequency:

  1. Morning:
    Start your day off right with a Nordic Cycles session to invigorate your senses and boost energy levels.

  2. After Exercise:
    Use Nordic Cycles therapy as part of your post-workout routine to aid in muscle recovery and promote relaxation.

  3. Evening:
    Wind down in the evening with a Nordic Cycles session to relax muscles and prepare for a restful night's sleep.

  4. Frequency:
    Start out with once per week, aim for 2-5+ Nordic Cycles sessions per week, adjusting based on your individual needs and preferences.

Remember, temperature contrast therapy is a personal experience, and what works for one person may not work for another. Listen to your body, experiment with different protocols, and most importantly, enjoy the journey to wellness and relaxation. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us for guidance. Here's to a happier, healthier you!

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